Friday, 3 December 2010

Day Three. On time.

December 3Moment
Pick one moment during which you felt most alive this year. Describe it in vivid detail (texture, smells, voices, noises, colors). 
(Author: Ali Edwards)

I'm chosing a moment from today. I like the vividness and immediacy of doing so.

I stand on the beach. Instead of the crunch of shingle, I feel the cold of snow through my boots. The sun casts long shadows of blue, bluer than the sea. The wind is low but the cold still tears at my fingers. It knaws at my face. 

Stella, a Spaniel high on the chill, comes dashing by, ignoring calls from her owner. She is too excited to stop for anything. A guy takes photos until it's too cold. 

The pebbles break through the snow briefly, on a high ridge, pushed higher by the sea. Then snow again, nearly down to the edge of the water.

I feel cold and life in my lungs when I inhale.

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