Sunday, 5 December 2010

Day Four. Late again. Pattern developing.

Having briefly tried and failed to dredge up memories of how to alter blog templates, create banner headings, etc, etc, I've given up decorating attempts and got back to what matters more. I'm permanently pushed for time right now, so I'll work on building the walls and I'll paint them later.

December 4Wonder. 
How did you cultivate a sense of wonder in your life this year? 
(Author: Jeffrey Davis)

I'm not sure I did cultivate a sense of wonder this year. I think I just held on tight while the world rushed past me. I remember being surprised at how fast things moved, how, once set into motion, it can be hard to make things stop. 

Impossible sometimes.

But I don't think I felt much of a sense of wonder at all this year.

That sounds a bit sad, doesn't it.

But perhaps an awareness of that lack will serve me next year.

Hold on. I may be being a little negative here. A sense of wonder doesn't have to stop the waves, or climb on a mountain. A sense of wonder can be simple.

I know I've tried to keep looking, to let myself be aware of beauty rather than letting it slip by, unnoticed. I remember as a child feeling my heart swell with the warmth and brightness of a sunset. And I remember this year being aware how rarely I feel that now.

Ironic really, as I'm more aware than ever that sunsets are numbered, in a way I couldn't conceive of as a child, when summers lasted years, and years lasted decades and life stretched off forever because it had only just started and so much of it was left.

So this year I didn't cultivate enough wonder. But I can try rectify that in these last few days until next year. And onto into 2011.


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